How to Follow VMI Wrestling: |
VMI Athletics is excited to offer 'Roo Tube, your online destination for exclusive LIVE audio of VMI Sports Radio broadcasts & on-demand streaming video of interviews, press conferences and team highlights. This broadband video channel is the ultimate place for Keydets fans on the web! 'Roo Tube is powered by, the Official Site of VMI Athletics. Check Out 'Roo Tube Today. |
This season, the VMI wrestling program will introduce a weekly e-mail newsletter program. The piece will include recaps of previous matches and events, previews of what lies ahead, as well as other inside information for friends of the program. If you are interested in receiving this in-season, weekly newsletter, please send us an email and we will add you to the distribution list. |
| offers fans both E-Newsletters and RSS Feeds to stay current. E-News delivers every breaking story straight to your e-mail box, while RSS feeds send out VMI headlines as soon as they are published to your News Reader. Click Here sign up for the E-Newsletter and the RSS Feeds. |
Twitter is a free service that lets you keep in touch with people through the exchange of quick, frequent answers to one simple question: What's happening? Find out what's happening with VMI Athletics with quick message updates from the SID office as well as VMI Coaches. Visit the VMI Keydets Twitter Page Today. |
In just a short period of time, VMI Athletics Facebook page already has over 1,600 followers. This is a great resource for Keydet fans to watch videos and check out new pictures, connect with fellow Keydet fans and alumni, and stay current with everything going on in the world of VMI Keydet Athletics. Check out the Official Facebook page of VMI Keydet Athletics. |
In addition to the other media outlets seen here, the VMI Athletic Media
Relations department also makes use of the Blogspot blogging service. Once a week, there is a synopsis published that covers all of the events
that took place during the past seven days on VMI Post, as well as any
breaking news tidbits that are available. Other uses for the blogspot
service may be implemented going forward. Check it Out Now |