The Thunderdome - Home of VMI Wrestling

VMI Wrestling counts one of the best “home mat advantages” in the country at The Thunderdome.  The program has called Cocke Hall home since the building was constructed in 1926, and the old gym has been witness to 83 years of incredible VMI Wrestling memories ever since.

The atmosphere at Cocke Hall for home dual meets is unrivaled anywhere on the east coast.  The Corps of Cadets provide one of the most spirited and zealous home crowds, as they cheer on the Keydet wrestlers.  Banners overhead trumpet the accomplishments of past VMI matmen, including 12 Southern Conference championships and two All-Americans.

Dubbed The Thunderdome by former assistant baseball coach Kenny Creehan in his public address duties back in 1992, the facility has seen huge crowds come out in support of the Keydets, including a record attendance of 1,285 that crammed Cocke Hall to see VMI take down The Citadel in February of 2002. 

To accommodate the ever-growing popularity of VMI wrestling, the program brought in six new sets of bleachers that were installed six seasons ago.  The bleachers have greatly enlarged the Thunderdome’s seating capacity, with still plenty of room for individual seats and cadets to hang off the overhang.

The wrestling team moved into locker room facilities in Cocke Hall in 1997, giving the Keydet wrestling program a permanent home close to their practice and weight training facilities, as well as being only one floor below their arena for home dual matches.  The Thunderdome will host six VMI home duals this season, while the facility hosted the prestigious All-Academy Championships last season.

MORE INFO: Read More About the Thunderdome

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