Interactive Guide Navigation:
1 - Interactive Guide Welcome
2 - This Is VMI Track & Field
3 - 2008-09 Track Season Review
4 - 2009 XC Season in Review
5 - VMI Track/XC Facilities
6 - Head Coach Darrin Webb
7 - Head XC Coach Paul Spangler
8 - Assistant Coaches
9 - Season Preview: Men
10 - 2009-10 Men's Roster
11 - Season Preview: Women
12 - 2009-10 Women's Roster
13 - 2009-10 “Freshmen to Watch"
14 - Preview: Distance/Steeple
15 - Preview: Middle Distance
16 - Preview: Throws
17 - Preview: Sprints
18 - Preview: Vault
19 - Preview: Jumps & Multis
20 - History and Records
21 - The Big South Conference
22 - VMI Media Relations
23 - Following the Keydets
24 - VMI Strength & Conditioning
25 - VMI Athletic Training
26 - Athletic Academic Advising
27 - This Is VMI - Overview
28 - This Is VMI - Military
29 - This Is VMI - Academics
30 - This Is VMI - Athletics
31 - This Is VMI - Vision 2039
32 - Rockbridge County
33 - Site Index


The Virginia Military Institute:

The Virginia Military Institute is the nation’s oldest state-supported military college, founded in 1839 in Lexington, Virginia, located at the southern end of the Shenandoah Valley. VMI offers qualified young men and women a demanding combination of academic study and rigorous military training that exists nowhere else, and grants B.A. and B.S. degrees in fourteen disciplines within the general fields of engineering, science, and liberal arts.

The Institute’s emphasis on qualities of honor, integrity, and responsibility contributes to its unique educational philosophy. In every field of endeavor, whether it’s leadership in business, industry, public service, education, the professions, or careers in the military, success comes early to a high number of VMI graduates.

Experience the Virginia Military Institute


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